We are delighted that you are interested in St. Louis School, Milan.
We are a dynamic, well-established, world-class school that is able to thrive due to the support of our Milanese and international communities. With more than 25 years experience of providing excellent education, our students continue to remain at the heart of everything we do. At St. Louis School, our student body gains a unique opportunity to follow a successful educational model that combines the best of the British National Curriculum with the highly-respected Italian Curriculum.
In High School, learners continue their education with the International GCSE course and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). The impressive year-on-year scores earned by our IB Diploma students have established us as the No.1 School in Europe.
The teaching staff at our school ensure our students' learning journey and achievement is seamless and aligned with their academic and personal goals. They offer consistent, exemplary teaching and are dedicated to offering personalised education, which is essential for a school that educates 1800 students across three campuses. Our results show that we are successful in helping our learners achieve excellence. We aim to support our entire school community at every stage of the development, from our learners aged 2, to the young adults that graduate and attend world-class universities at the age of 18.
We believe that learning at every stage should be enjoyable, engaging, and also challenging. Academic rigour instils resilience - an essential quality for those in our community, and one that will help our students strive for future success. St. Louis School graduates accomplish remarkable success in a wide range of professions across the world.
Our alumni has informed us that their achievements are not only due to the internationally-recognised IB diploma they receive, but their inner confidence, independent learning skills, and their ongoing commitment to the values that they adopted during their time at St. Louis School.
We warmly invite you to visit our school and discover why we are one of the leading schools in Europe. Explore our campuses at Archinto (Years 10 to Year 13), Caviglia (EYFS to Year 9) and Colonna (EYFS to Year 9) to experience our welcoming school community and its tradition of educational excellence.
We look forward to showing you why St. Louis School is such a special place to learn.
Yours sincerely,
Tor de Federico (Principal, Caviglia Campus)
Kathy Crewe-Read (Executive Principal, Archinto)
Kathleen Slocombe (Principal, Colonna Campus)