“I'm 22 years old and am currently working in Milan for Cefriel, a spin-off of the Politecnico di Milano, which offers IT consulting services to promote innovation and digitalization across businesses. Within Cefriel, I am a researcher and a scientific consultant for the Internet of Things team.
I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, and I enjoy learning about Computer Architecture, Embedded Systems and IoT. In my spare time, I enjoy running and playing football.
I joined St. Louis School at Caviglia Campus as a kid aged 3 years old and left as a young adult at 18. What I always found special about St. Louis was how much the school valued critical thinking. This gave students the tools to develop an opinion and engage in constructive discussions with their peers from a very young age. This proved incredibly useful for me at university, at my job, and in everyday life.”